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Lost Inside

You need both files and for PowerPoint Desktop · By VistaCE


Recent updates

(Sorry for the delay) Updates #22
I'm sorry about not updating the game and not releasing posts for a looooooooooooong time. (48 days since the last update) There are two levels from 48 days ago...
The way of posts (S, NNL)
I've made it so you can identify posts with letters: (These won't be used on posts older than this one except for "H") H = Has been edited after it was publishe...
Updates #21
Lost Inside now has MODES: Noclip Mode and Ghost Mode (and Normal) and a new Level (with no level number) The End??? Ghost Mode: Ghost Mode means you can't die...
Updates #20
A NEW Tangler and Tangalera Level! It's Level XXVIII (28) aka The Gym You can watch Tangler and Tangalera lift weights (I don't know how fun that is for you, bu...
Updates #19
NEW level: Level XXVII (27) "The Party Rooms" 27: It's Ian's birthday, he's getting Lego for his present, but disaster strikes. Everyone died. (Find the Easter...
Update #18
NEW level: Level XXVI (26) “Tangler’s Level” RUN!!!!!!!! Tangler and Tangalera are trying to pull you back so they can eat you. Spam the Forwards Button a...
Updates #17 (H, AC)
NEW character: Tangalera NEW level: Level XXV (25) BIG level: A train track is there, but there is also a sign saying "Arcade and Food". You have a one and a ha...
Update #16
NEW character: The Spider NEW level: Level XXIV (24) NEW level select screen Level 24: A level where there is a big box blocking you. The Spider take the box an...

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